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Sanctions? Our best ‘direct action’ weapon is the boycott of Teva products and medicines.

Sanctions? Our best ‘direct action’ weapon is the boycott of Teva products and medicines.

The boycott of Teva is a profound moral issue.

Sanctions on Israel
We can call for international sanctions against Israel for its crimes in Palestine. We must do so, and we must exert pressure with demonstrations, writings, denunciations, strikes, agitation and other means.
But we can also sanction Israel ourselves, without having to wait for any international decision.

Our best ‘direct action’ weapon is the boycott of Teva products and medicines.

Teva is a pharmaceutical giant, the world's largest generic drug company. Teva forecasts revenues of over $16.4 billion in 2024, relying on generic.

There are three ethical arguments for the boycott:

1/ Teva's profits serve to pay taxes in Israel, and finance its terrorist activity,

2/ Teva monopolises the Palestinian drug market, and imposes abusive prices and

3/ Teva is a corrupt and corrupting company; between 2010 and 2024, Teva paid US$9 billion in convictions and fines for corruption proven in courts around the world.

You have general information about Teva in the world, and the specific case study of Spain: ‘Teva, corruption in the world. A case study: ‘Teva in Spain’ https://hw4p.es/blog/teva-corruption-in-the-world-a-case-study-teva-in-spain

A boycott of Teva in hospital and community pharmacies must be achieved. It is necessary to achieve the non-prescription (doctors), non-dispensing (pharmacists) and non-use (patients and relatives) of medicines from Teva and its affiliated companies (in Spain, for example, Teva, Tevagen, Dalvur, Belmac and Ratiopharm).

Use the transparency information from different countries (Physician Payments Sunshine Act  https://www.medispend.com/resources/sunshine-act-open-payments-overview-1/  ) to expose the key opinion leaders (KOLs) that receive larger amounts from Teva, and the professional and patient associations that also receive large amounts from Teva.

The aim is to build a social movement, not only of health professionals and ‘Palestinians’. The boycott of Teva is a profound moral issue, because of the three ethical issues mentioned above. For example, the denunciation of community and hospital pharmacies that cooperate with Teva as if it were cooperation with an ‘illegal drugs cartel’, a professional but above all a social issue.

We have a very powerful weapon in our hands. A non-violent weapon. We have to use it NOW!