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Discurso de/Words by Soledad Ascoeta (HW4PS). Gran Acampada Blanca, International White Tent Protest ESP/ENG

 Discurso de/Words by Soledad Ascoeta (HW4PS). Gran Acampada Blanca, International White Tent Protest ESP/ENG
Publicado el 27 de enero.

Geneva, Switzerland. Ginebra, Suiza. 25 enero/January 2025


From Spain in Geneva. Video. 4 min of health professional dignity against 77 years of brutality and 476 days of unpunished genocide. HealthWorkers4PalestineSpain.

General information in: https://hw4p.es/acciones-urgentes/25t-january-enero-2025-international-white-tent-protest-in-geneva-switzerland-esp-eng


Desde España en Ginebra. Vídeo. 4 min de dignidad profesional sanitaria contra 77 años de brutalidad y 476 días de genocidio impune. HealthWorkers4PalestineSpain.

Información general en: https://hw4p.es/acciones-urgentes/25t-january-enero-2025-international-white-tent-protest-in-geneva-switzerland-esp-eng