Boycott Teva. Think global, act local. Teva No Thanks ENG
Boycott Teva. Think global, act local.
Most professionals, patients and their families know nothing about Teva.
Pedagogy is needed to explain the connection between Teva's drugs and the selective destruction of healthcare institutions and the detention, torture and murder of healthcare professionals in Gaza.
The issue is moral in two senses:
1/ in the financing with Teva money of the genocide in Palestine and
2/ in the support of a company that is corrupt, with frequent and gigantic convictions and fines.
With the current situation, Teva's business is growing and flourishing. It must be stopped.
It is necessary to produce very specific local material that helps not to prescribe (doctors), not to dispense (pharmacists) and not to consume (patients and relatives) Teva's products. It is a non-violent and very effective “direct action”. We must achieve a “social” response, not just a professional one. For example, by denouncing community pharmacies that “prefer” to dispense Teva products, due to discounts.
Teva's KOLs and the scientific societies that receive money from Teva should also be denounced with names and amounts.
Avoid teaching activities, meetings, conferences and congresses sponsored by Teva.
See, in 2024, in the United States
Teva. Letter. Ethical challenges in primary care.
-Sanctions? Our best ‘direct action’ weapon is the boycott of Teva products and medicines.
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